Saturday, May 21

Skate Rat

Madeleine adroit with her board, which she has owned for a couple of years.

I hum "Mrs. Robinson."
Sonnet: "Is that my birthday song?"

Eitan makes a birthday cake that doesn't work out.
Me: "I could have used it for bricks in the backyard."
Eitan: "It wasn't that bad, Dad."
Me: "It's a good thing I didn't chip a tooth."
Eitan: "Yeah, well, I ate some of it this morning. It was really good actually."
Me: "Do you have any teeth left?"
Madeleine: "I want to make a cake for mom!"
Eitan: "I am going to make another one. Can we go to the store?"
Madeleine: "You always get to do things! I want to make a cake, too."
Me: "Madeleine, this is the first time you have mentioned baking a cake for today."
Eitan: "Do we have any ricotta cheese?"
Madeleine: "It is so unfair."
Eitan: "Or plain chocolate? What is that - like, not milk chocolate?"
Me: "I don't know. Madeleine I would love for you to cook but today Eitan has the kitchen."
Eitan: "How many eggs?"
Me: "Would you knock it off? Look, you can bake whenever you wish. Let's plan something."
Madeleine: "Ok. Can we go to the High Street so I can get some football boots?"