Monday, January 17

Chatter Birds

I pick the kids up from their weekly tutor class. Walking to the car,
Me: "We are not getting a bird. That's final."
Madeleine: "You didn't even hear me ask for one!"
Me: "Ok, what do you want then?"
Madeleine: "A bird."
Eitan: "And I am going to save my money for a hamster."
Me: "We have a hamster. And a fish and a dog."
Eitan: "Well, Stanley has nine pets."
Me: "Nine pets? It must be a zoo at his place."
Eitan: "He has four cats, three hamsters and two guinea pigs."
Madeleine: "He could have 32 cats if they all got preggers."
Me: "You can save all the money you want but we are not getting a bird. We have plenty of pets."
Madeleine: "I am going to keep the bird in my room. And take care of it."
Me: "What about Rusty? Are you bored with the dog already?"
Madeleine: "No!"
Eitan: "Well, you never walk the dog in the morning."
Madeleine: "Yes I do!"
Eitan: "Did you go this morning? Nooo."
Me: "Okay, that. Is. Enough . . !

Me, over dinner (Sonnet works late): "What book are you reading?"
Madeleine: "Mr Gum."
Me: "What's it about?"
Madeleine: "Mr Gum."
Me: "A little more please?"
Eitan: "Actually it is more about Polly."
Me: "What do you like about it?"
Madeleine: "I like the characters. And the story."
Eitan: "It doesn't really have a plot. It's about parrots and rainbows and stuff."
Madeleine: "A book doesn't have to follow the rules, Eitan."
Me: "Excellent point, well said."

Madeleine to Aneta: "Do you know any names for a little red bird?"

Eitan: "I wish everybody would stop telling me what to read."
Me: "Do they?"
Eitan: "Yeah. Like you're always buying me books."
Me: "I think of them as gifts. You don't have to read them."
Me: "Why do you think people give you books to read any way?"
Eitan: "To bother me?"
Me: "Well, I want you to enjoy them. And discuss them with you. What happens when you read a book?"
Madeleine: "You become a part of the story."
Me: "Excellent, you are two for two. And what then?"
Eitan, Madeleine:
Me: "You know that expression, 'you are what you eat?'
Madeleine: "Pasta pesto?"
Me: "Some people also say 'you are what you read.'"
Madeleine: "Good one, Dad. Do you really think we're pasta pesto though?"

Madeleine: "Once, when I was with Auntie Katie in New York, we went into a pet store and there was a talking bird."
Me: "You mean a parrot?"
Madeleine: "Yeah. And guess how much he was?"
Me: "I don't know - two hundred bucks?"
Madeleine: "Six hundred dollars!"
Me: "It could be six dollars for all I care. No bird."
Madeleine: "I can still think about it can't I?"

Me: "Madeleine! What are you doing down here? It's bed time."
Madeleine: "Where do you keep the duck tape?"
Me: "Go upstairs. To bed.
Madeleine: "Do you have any fishing wire?"
Me: "Fishing wire?"
Madeleine: "Do you have anything that claws can grab on to?"
Madeleine: "Okay, okay - I am going. You don't have to look at me like that."

Me: "Oh, gross. Rusty threw up in the back of the car."
Eitan: "That's like the tenth time. Why does he do it?"
Me: "I think he gets car sick. Or maybe he's anxious."
Eitan: "That's like Stanley - Stanley threw up twice on the first day of school."
Eitan: "The teacher had to clean it up."

Photo from the web.