Saturday, October 24


Eric buys the hat - pictured - for Hallowe'en. It goes with a red leather jacket and he will be a 'pimp.'  Kinda hard to picture, really, but why not?  This morning he makes breakfast, sets off the fire alarm, placates the neighbor Don, deals with soccer issues, cleans the kitchen, sings "Delta Don What's That Flower You Got On?" plans out the week's logistics, goes to the store ..  all before 12 noon. Ben arrives with iPod buds in and observes it all before joining us at the table.  He's grown since the last time together, and his hair several inches shorter.  He wears the teen-agers suit of jeans and sweat-shirt made cool with a blue pea-coat. He has a look going on and it works - but then, a 14 year old whatever he wears cool and  big companies spend huge to capture it.  I know I try.

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